
do NOT use your phone to view this site, cuz if you do,
"i'll follow you home and kill your dog" -postal dude

i recommend using a 1920x1080 monitor to view this site cuz it gets super messy if you view it on mobile or some old pc idk- believe me when i say i really want to fix that but until i find how, it is what it is.

how this site works on different browsers:


hi, i'm loekefi and this is my website. I'm making this because i want to be more productive- and no, i'm not a productive person at all. i usually play weird old games instead of using my brain and drawing, making musics and maybe playing the guitar too... you can learn more about me on my "about me" page! thanks for visiting!!

also pls consider following me on neocities, thanks!!


hi there!!

sorry about not being active lately, i went on a vacation that's why i was inactive (or is it unactive?? idk i suck at english) and also from now on i'm probably gonna be really really busy. dunno how it works in other countries but here you gotta enter some sort of an art exam to be able to enter art school so now i'm gonna attend a course that helps me prepare for that and also i'm gonna work to be able to pay for that too. while doing all of those, i'm also thinking of working on a project involving "earthbound" "translation" and "turkish" so yeah, it's gonna be a really busy year for me and i might not be able to update this site frequently as i used to do. however i AM gonna keep updating this site, i still gotta add an art gallery, a music player and maybe a music gallery for the musics i make? i dunno, but you get the point!

tldr; updates are gonna be less frequent from now on cuz i'm busy, i might work on a earthbound turkish translation project or smt idk


say hello to lil ufo!! this website is no longer lonely!!

this lil feller
right here
is my pet...
please look
after her!!


behold... the chatbox!!

write some stuff right here

you can write whatever you want. just be nice and don't write stupid things (stupid as in bad, other than that... go wild!), thank you.

message ideas:

take one before you leave and put it on YOUR website!!


buttons from 'round the net

Visit the Gif Gallery!
