08/08/2024 - dream 2 - mario, aliens and the government building

i think it is pretty obvious what kind of a dream this is by the title lol.

so i was playing some kind of a mario fan game made entirely on powerpoint, it was about... uhh. i actually don't know what it was about but it involved stuff like "castles" and "aliens". anyways, i get bored so i stop playing it, right? but for some reason my brain thought "holy shit this game says aliens are real so it must be true!!!!" and i go to some sort of a government building to report it. but guess what!!! THE GOVERNMENT BUILDING IS A DUNGEON!!! so anyway i pass the booby traps and stuff but apparently i can't talk to mr president so i find someone else and talk to them. i say "the aliens!!!! they are real!! i saw them!!" to some innocent office worker there. he ignores me at first and says "go back home, kid" or stuff like that but when he sees that i'm being really stubborn with it he says "fine, whatever, we'll do something about it some time" and goes back to work. feeling victorious, i go back home to my own fucking mansion and sleep in peace...

...until i hear some noise outside-

i look outside the window and... holy shit. remember the guy i talked to in the government building? yeah he apparently sent thousands of reporters to my house mansion. not knowing what to do, i go to my dad's bedroom in a hurry and i try to wake him up- also there is a super cute gray dog there that i can't stop petting.

(ugh fuck i'm slowly forgetting the dream i gotta be le quikk)

my dad does not wake up, the dog climbs on top of dad and barks and jumps and i try to stop him. i go downstairs, my grand parents are there. my grandma is cutting an eggplant to pieces to a bowl for some reason. at first glance i have no idea what it is so i swiftly take one piece out and eat it. tastes like shit. want to vomit. i look at my grandpa, he stares blankly at the tv. everything sucks.

i wake up.

man, what a dream